Adventure Planning Process

Step 1: Initial Meeting

At our first meeting, we’ll take the time to get know you. This is your trip after all, and we want to make sure we understand your goals, priorities, and what you want to get out of the trip.

We’ll do our best to design the trip to your specifications, to give you the best experience possible. We’ll dream alongside you, and if we can’t offer you the trip you want, we’ll help you find someone who can!

Step 2: Outline Yor Adventure

After we get to know you and your hopes and dreams for this trip, we’ll get to work on a basic outline. We’ll put together an initial plan for your adventure. You’ll see pictures, sample itineraries, and projected costs.

This is the most exciting part for us, because you’ll get to see what’s actually possible! In order to make this happen, we’ll already be working hard to make this a perfect trip, so we do ask for a $250.00 non-refundable deposit. This will be a down-payment on the total costs of the trip.

Step 3: You Feeling This?

We’re pretty confident that you’ll love the initial plan. We’re already excited because we’ve been on the same trip and have experienced everything we’re recommending to you!

But, if you see something you don’t like, we’ll get busy fixing it to make the trip fit your expectations perfectly. It’s your trip, and you’re in charge of every detail.

We’ll leverage our experience, connections, and product knowledge to deliver a final plan that you’ll love!

Step 4: Confirm Your Adventure and Join Our Private Group

Once you’re confident that the trip plan is meeting your expectations, we’ll help you walk through the process of completing the booking forms and collecting a confirmation deposit.

We’ll get you all of the resources you’ll need to get started on your journey. You’ll also get access to our private “members only” social media group, where you can see the stories and adventures of our other guests.

Step 5: Time for Your Adventure - We Are Here for You

Even through all the plans are set in place, we know you’ll have questions. We sure did on our first safari!

We’re available at any time to answer your questions and help you get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. No question is too small, so fire away! We’ll send you reminders, checklists for what to pack, and more.

During the trip, our experienced staff will guide you through every step of the process and we’ll still be available and ready to handle anything that comes up. Just because you’re on the other side of the world doesn’t mean we stop caring!

Step 6: Welcome Back!

Once your home, we know you’ll still be basking in the glow of an incredible adventure. While your memories are still fresh, we’d love for you to share your stories and pictures on social media.

But this isn’t just about promotional marketing for us. This is about helping to raise awareness about the need and necessity for conservation, sustainable tourism practices, and supporting local economies. Sharing your stories with your friends will help to raise support for protecting the amazing creatures and cultures you were privileged to witness.

Your ongoing support and participation in our special group of passionate safari participants will help to ensure that these African treasures are there to inspire future generations for years to come.