“Hey aren’t Safaris expensive?” “No it’s a return on investment”

I know I know, you’re wondering, “How is it a return of investment, it’s a vacation, or this dude is crazy, or probably both?” I don’t blame you! Well, before I get there, let me answer the following question to give you some foundation on my statement:

What is the true cost of a safari in Africa?

Zebra South African SafariIf you grew up as a kid, parent, or fanatic of Disney movies at any age, you know the Lion King has a profound impact on our culture here in the West. We all started saying “Hakuna Matata,” went to watch the Lion King on Broadway (I never had a chance to see it and I’m still kicking myself for it..haha ughhh), or named our dogs Nala or Simba. Then that thought flows across, “Wow, it would be great to go to Africa and see the real thing; the lions, meerkats, warthogs, baboons, and elephants.” The idea sounds romantic and that kid in you is excited about doing this. You start chatting with friends/ fans on the idea and start Googling information on safari operators and how to make this happen. Easy enough as there are many options. Now reality slowly settles in and you see that Safaris from some of the top-rated companies start at $3,500 per person to more for a 7-day northern circuit safari to top lodges. Do the math $ 3,500/7 = $500/day and that doesn’t cover your round trip flight, tips, food, alcohol. So you’re closer to $600/day making that a grand total trip of $4,200 per person. That’s a lot of dough.

Now I’m here to tell you why Ksana Safari is worth your investment:

Lodging with Ksana SafarisIt’s an experience of a lifetime that you will never forget!

With Ksana Safaris, your travel experience produces zero emissions resulting in a healthier environment which makes a healthier you.

While on safari you will join the Ksana tribe where you can chat with like-minded individuals about sustainability, conservation, and your travels. We provide educational material on sustainability to share with friends, family, and affiliated organizations to enhance sustainable practices. When you travel with Ksana Safaris, you’re helping to create a better environment for the future.

So while you’re on a trip of a lifetime, you will be getting much more in return. Spiritually, physically, and mentally. Trust us, the kid in you will be fulfilled and feel like this was one of the best investments you’ve ever made!